Creative Code Stammtisch

A monthly open conversation between artists, makers, designers, coders, performers, learners and anyone interested in the use of computing skills for artistic expression.

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November 2nd, Stammtisch #127


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  :,  ,  .        ,    :   -Spooky Stammtisch-
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Has been working as a product designer for a while so he didn’t have time to play much. He’s now building a website with LLM experiments (Large Language Models), trying to do something that goes beyond the typical chat bot.

So far he has 5 experiments.

#1 one looks like the typical chat.

#2 uses the webcam, it’s like a camera, and when you take a photo, it writes a haiku in Japanese and English. The haiku references the current time and location.

#3 Broken Telephone // Chinese whispers. This one does ping-pong between the initial prompt written by the user, and an image generated by that prompt, then a description, of the image, etc.

Tip: mention “make it better” in the prompt.

Ref: “Black forest” image generation model.


This project started as a learning experiment with “Three React Fiber” and generally Cameras following paths.
The camera follows a spline in space to guide a trip as a “space rollercoaster”. There are floating 3D shapes like cubes, spheres, circles…
The whole design is procedural with many variables to control the behaviour and look. The background star-field effect was provided by

Suggest to try this library if you already know React.
With “drei” you can create html elements, which will be shown in 3D in the three.js world.

Music by Reed:


Got a pen plotter: UUNA TEK iDraw.
What’s interesting about it is not when it does what a printer can do, but the ways in which it is worse.
Interested in splitting out CMYK components of designs (so plot several layers with different colors), and did that with fluerescent markers. The places where they overlap produce interesting colors. Played with different algorithms to split color images into layers of lines. Then switched to playing with hatching algorithms and creating subtle differences on the various layers to produce chromatic aberrations.

Sarah is exploring separating images into CMYK components to combine them on the plotter using different pen colors.

== announcements ==

== break ==


Would like to do drawing and oil painting but he’s better at coding, so he worked on a
p5.js project and created a music video with noise fields and a slighly visible animation of a running dog.
Another project used the d3 dataviz library and the Berlin weather data of 30 years. He paid 1 or 2 euros for that historical data.


After worked on a longer project done with shadertoy, Micha show us a visual project done with shaders: purely code generated graphics. A psychodelic world with a colorful ground and sky pattern and a world of spinning heads dancing to the rhythm of the music. He used an existing head by another shadertoy user, and simplified it a bit for better real-time performance. One of the trickiest parts was to program the motion of the camera to avoid bumping into objects in the scene.

Took inspiration from an artist called Alex Grey


Created /niːviːili/ in 2019 and just remade the website of his project, which is used to host secret art events. All donations go to the artists. The guests are invited through a chain of invites (friends invite friends). He needs help next Friday on setting up the next event in Kreuzberg.

We watch videos of the past events in the website