Creative Code Stammtisch

A monthly open conversation between artists, makers, designers, coders, performers, learners and anyone interested in the use of computing skills for artistic expression.

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April 5th, Stammtisch #120



He is building an engine called Moonrise Engine together with two friends. It’s a bit like a game engine, but focused on media. One can create 2D and 3D art, media and websites. It’s very small: 0.5Gb. It’s open source. One can import 2D and 3D assets into it.

Shows a demo of an island generator on a web browser, featuring clouds, the sea and an island with palm trees. Some music and the sound of the sea.

A second demo shows a luxury home in a highrise building. The home is AI generated with a prompt. One home was in Paris, a second one in Rio de Janeiro.

The engine uses three.js.

On X: @moonriseengine and @amazingislands


The button ▶️

Describes what happens when you press the button. A signal is sent to a computer, which uses electricity and produces magnetic fields as a side effect.

Took a break in Austria where he looked into Reiki and energy healing.

Exploring how energy fields can be brought into resonance with the body’s.

He talks about making a mobile device generate some kind of waves which are healing, to fix pains in our bodies.

Arne Vogelgesang

“New Flesh” part of his artistic research dissertation. 1 ond 1 VR performance. Corporality and desire.

AI generated sexual cannibalism. He’s looking for someone experienced with shader programming to achieve realist skin / muscle / bones etc.

The show runs as 20 minutes slot. Connects with empathy in VR research. It shows a new headset that can blend outer visuals with virtual ones.

The projects mutates LoD (level of detail) to LoR (level of realism).

Inspired by cannibalism fetish art.

During the performance, the realism increases. It starts in B&W, then color is added, etc. Imitating how the realism has increased during the last 20 years in computer graphics.

He’s looking for people who can help developing the project. Ideally in Unreal or Unity.

Discord: unrealactor

== announcements ==

== break ==


Mentions his last performance at AVJam last Thursday. Live coding mostly just fun.
Silly videos from the internet archive. He extracts the frames out of a movie file, then uses these frames as input for his visuals.

He created a web browser based tool similar to ShaderToy, but split in two windows so he can put one for the audience and the other for him with the code.

He demonstrates various effects by uncommenting and commenting parts of his GLSL code.


Started as a pharmaceutical engineer, then turned into games. Worked in Unity until recent layoffs. Recently started using Godot Engine. He gives an overview on the free open source framework. Mentions that the community is large, posting many tutorials and videos. And often he experiences moments where he realizes it has very nice features.


Used to work on big games, burned out, then switched to making music synthesizers out of wood.How to build a digital music synthesizer lightning talk.

Gives a super fast and fun presentation on sound and microcontrollers and how to calculate things as integers instead of floating point numbers (for efficiency). “How to build a digital music synthesizer”.

Then demos the Stylish Synthesizer. Which can be build for less than 10€.

April 13th - MotionLab - Berlin - Hackaday