Creative Code Stammtisch

A monthly open conversation between artists, makers, designers, coders, performers, learners and anyone interested in the use of computing skills for artistic expression.

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CCJam document (3rd Saturday every month)

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March 1st, Stammtisch #119



Audiovisual artist but not a coder, uses node-based tools (eg TouchDesigner). Shows recent work through Instagram account. Recently creating audio and visuals in a single tool, Unreal Engine and utilizing metasounds. Used to record screen with the smartphone camera, but now uses OBS Studio for “proper” recordings.


Makes art as Lucidbeaming. Recently into printmaking, lino cuts. Looked for ways to combine it with 3D scans and found anaglyphs. Anaglyphs: splitting an image into left+right to create a 3D illusion for the viewer. Scanned a reptile in Naturkundenmuseum with iPhone Lidar, reduced model to basic mesh. Used to remove hidden lines, plotted result as red+blue anaglyph image. Shares series of images with attendees, hands out 1 pair of glasses to view :)


== announcements ==

AVjam next one is Friday March 29th 19:30 - 23:00
AVjam Youtube Channel documentation:
AVjam Instagram:

Fred: Looking for a job as full-stack developer: [portfolio link](

Looking for people to work together on virtual reality

Looking for a job as augmented/mixed reality developer

Stephanie : Looking for a job (data science/analysis) in a creative industry

Looking for experienced C++ developer for real-time audio project, involving also PureData

Go to Charite’s exhibition about the human brain, it’s awesome!

== break ==

🐐 🐐 🐐


Shows update on ferrofluid (“magnetic ink”) project he has been developing since last month. Arduino does simple peak detection to make ink dance in bottle. 3D-printed a case for the magnet & bottle; will add LED strip for illumination. New update next month :)


Used to create precisely timed, looped experiences as a magician for people, using MP3 players. Went on to develop immersive games, e.g., a dance game. Worked on a collaboration with a web developer to produce software and interface to control the sync audio files for the guided experiences.