Creative Code Stammtisch

A monthly open conversation between artists, makers, designers, coders, performers, learners and anyone interested in the use of computing skills for artistic expression.

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December 1st, Stammtisch #116

~35 ppl

== introductions ==


Engineer turned artist, lately focused on shaders. And even later working with Gaussian Splatting (something used to capture 3D scene, somewhat similar to point clouds). Two online tools are and which convert short videos into 3D scenes. There’s a “scene player” to view and move in the 3D scene, and download the scene as well. Shows a video he rendered which combines a Gaussian Splatting scene with glitchy shaders and AI generated graphics, everything running in Unity 3D (


Stef has been working on an iPhone app that gamifies the idea of traveling around Berlin, to collect all the local districts (Kiezs) of the city.

The app tracks the device location and unlocks new visited districts on a map with all the distinct neighborhoods. It also includes collectable stamps and an AR mode where you can see through the camera, where the regions and postalcode are in physical space.

The app is now on the app store after 13 tries. Soon-ish there may be an Android version of the app.


Music machine learning engineer. Shows a Max/MSP patch (node based audio environment). Physical modeling of a Tombak musical instrument. See “Hossein Tehrani; The Tombak Maestro” on YouTube. The instrument is seen as a wedding instrument but that is not correct. Used Rave* DNN trained on 3 hours of music by Mr. Tehrani.

With the trained model, Pasha is capable of transforming the digital synthetic sounds into a natural sounding Tombak instrument.

*RAVE: A variational autoencoder for fast and high-quality neural audio synthesis

Pasha describes the concept of “latent space”.

The Max/MSP project also allows to play with the latent space. In his case, he tweaks 8 different sliders to explore different possible outputs.

Alternative DNN tool: DDSP-VST: Neural Audio Synthesis

RAVE trained in human voice:\&ab_channel=Ircam

== announcements ==

== break ==


Works a lot in TouchDesigner and point clouds.

He participated in a demo scene event, in the “patch battle”. Participants created visuals with node-based environments.

A battle where contestant have to build a patch using visual coding software based on a prompt. In this case 4 contestant were using blender geometry nodes,, and touch designer.

He’s still wondering why that event was the last time he touched touch designer (when he used to post two creations per week).


Part of the demo-scene, part of the Poo-Brain group.

Mark usually work on the 64K executable demo compos.

An open source tool called SqrMelon: “A tool for keyframe animation \& fragment shader management for 64k executables”.

Mark shows an entry done in 2017 called yiqi and presented at TRSAC demoparty: