Creative Code Stammtisch

A monthly open conversation between artists, makers, designers, coders, performers, learners and anyone interested in the use of computing skills for artistic expression.

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October 6th, Stammtisch #114

~45 ppl

== introductions ==


Shows a web based 3D generative object world that looks like crystals. It uses various GLSL shaders to construct the scene.

IG: fairlix


Originally comes from Serbia and he is working on an indie game project called Datura Time. Started in Nov. 2020 during lockdown. Datura Time is a 3rd person action game in an post Soviet limbo, eastern country. There is some drug involved which slows down time. Protagonist called “D” must find his way home while fighting many enemies. The game has been created in Unity, early access now on Steam.

Vlad’s other games:


He’s been creative coding for only a few years. So far has done mostly visual work, but knows sounds is a very important part of the experience, so he has been taking a look into how to code audio. He discovered PureData (a sound node-based environment). Then he found Csound, which is code-based, which resonates more with him than nodes. He followed some SuperCollider (another environment) video tutorials and tried to reproduce them using Csound. Since he couldn’t find a web-based live coding environment using Csound, he created one:

He created a mouse controlled synth, and a sequencer controlled by multiple people using their mobile devices.

The code editor used is called CodeMirror.

See also

Tom aka Pixtur

Shows a 3 min demo he created for a demo competition, created with his own Tooll3 ( Presents the newes features dealing with particle generators and forces.

== announcements ==


== break ==


Is visiting from the USA. Uses open source software to make music, plays cello.

Shows SuperCollider, and specifically granular synthesis which he plays with the mouse (as moving the needle on a vinyl). The sound is visualized with the default SuperCollider oscilloscope.

First he tries with samples of his own cello playing, then with AI generated sound samples. Shows a video of a performance in NY where the whole room has ascii projections while he controls the sound with mouse movements.


AR developer. A client asked him to develop something that he thought everyone could benefit from. So he developed SuperStreamer (iOS + Android). What it does is to stream the camera / orientation data to control a camera in Unity. Can be used with multiple phones simultaneously, even multiple phones to multiple computers. Uses the FreeD protocol. Can target Unity, Unreal, Processing, Maya.

A marker is used to sync multiple phone’s orientations.

Could be used as a game or MIDI controller.


Node-based programming and visual, IoT related (internet of things).

Is client-server based. Was thinking … what could this tool be used for? (that you’re not supposed to do). He used the “boring” tool to create complex mind maps, then create his blog. Then he started creating art with it, with hundreds or thousands of lines and nodes. He created intricate designs. One of them a visual comparison a brain with AI.

Next he started to think how programming could be done visually. How to do git pull requests. How to compare code. He would like to be able to do everything that is done textually visually. He imagines people sitting around visual diagrams.


- Bret Victor, Learnable Programming.

- []( / [](

Philipp Artus

Shows an exhibition in Switzerland of his Aquatics artwork with 8 projectors on huge ceilings. He’s an animator which at some point realized he needed code to get the kind of works he wanted to create. He’s working on a film where there are many sea creatures. Shows many WIP video shots. All his algorithms so far worked with physics dealing with lines attached only on one end, then had to figure out how to do physics with bodies attached to multiple points (needed for the sails, for instance).