Creative Code Stammtisch

A monthly open conversation between artists, makers, designers, coders, performers, learners and anyone interested in the use of computing skills for artistic expression.

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June 2nd, Stammtisch #110

46 ppl

== introductions ==

Presentations part 1

Phillip + Lars


Founder of Tanz Digital, and Interfaces. Bridges dance/performing arts, and creative/generative art.

Interfaces (the program) makes scans of dancers and outputs JSON with the choreography. The scanning technology itself is included in the project. 3D is derived with ML.

The scans can be animated e.g. in p5js. Or do whatever you like to do with it :)

Would love for creators who use this data to participate in exhibitions together!

Code of conduct asks to credit the choreographers in derived works.z

Mischa / IG:

Built an interactive robot art installation. Robots driving on a canvas, drawing something, controlled by AI. Audience can control one robot through phone, interacting with the AI. Onboard computer is an NVIDIA Jetson Nano.


Theater maker in a collective, building the software “nota” to notate their creations. nota village has notations created by different people.

Nota website: => Question mark has contact info

They started doing code reading circles with both coding and non-coding people’s participation. Next event is coming up in late June (23 and 24), would love to involve more people.

In one workspace they explored the limits of numbers in Javascript, resulting in the fragmentation of an image.

== announcements ==

== break ==

Presentations part 2


Mentions POEME SBJKT exhibition in Paris with Vera Molnar, Herbert Franke, and Alison Knowles, at the intersaction of literature, art and coding. Maintains daily generative practice, as a mode of community care. Shows her own work, and work of artists that inspire her.

Presents live interactive performance that reacts to bodies sensed by a Kinect in an audiovisual composition.


Shows PUK* Processor, an ant computer made of two (real, alive) ant colonies. They trigger sensors that control lights, which affect the ants’ behavior.

Project is built by Floris Schönfeld, sensors developed by Aron.

“Ants are messy; don’t work with ants!”



Has been creating websites to share his work since 1997. Also builds websites for professionally.

Created: Websites of 349 Berlin galleries range from very simple to very professionally. Screenshotted them automatically with Puppeteer.

His theory: Websites are dead, SEO is dead; sites are not a destination anymore. Everyone shows their work on IG. Why? It’s shown while having live conversations.

Redesigned his website with this philosophy: It’s a conversational tool and vibe scanner. No text or navigation. Just like his IG feed, without the tracking. Responsive from Apple Watch to HDTV. Works well in embedded link shares in Discord etc.


Two meetups ago Gabor talked about Rayhatching. Went well until about two weeks ago when it went a completely different direction. Got fascinated with the live coding applications of the system.

Gabor does a livecoding demo

Particle simulation. Start with a random motion. SDF 3D shapes in the background that give particle a different color. How do we visualize the geometry of 3D shapes with the particles? Add rotation. Uses a direction to move the particles in a way that suggests the 3D shapes. Add lighting. Move the particles in the background according to a Perlin noise field.