Creative Code Stammtisch

A monthly open conversation between artists, makers, designers, coders, performers, learners and anyone interested in the use of computing skills for artistic expression.

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August 5th, Stammtisch #100

+37 ppl


Continues from his 2 previous presentations. In the last one he showed animated underwater-like movement, rendered using shaders. Shows many variations of digital fishes moving. Initial versions look nice but movement did not feel like created by the fish oscillation, so he iterated on achieving that. Next he wanted the fish to feel more intelligent by having them look forward to see each other.



He was part of a journey-obsession. He creates shaders which are hosted in Shader-Toy.

Depth of Field (DoF) was something that interested him. The second interest was about making infinite layers / recursion. Next thing he added was bending of space and refraction.

Lighthouse, near Urban Spree. Every 1st Monday of the month open for creative coders to show their work.

Ilithia (5)

Likes to experiment with colors, visuals, audio reactive effects, not too glitchy. web based, uses camera and ML algorithms. Her twitch channel where she does live coding shaders.

Bugs can be good. Unexpected results.


Handmade code

Exploring code, craft and care.

Started learning in 2017 thanks to Daniel Shiffman’s videos. She’s a museum designer. Has experimented with posenet. Did “Recreating the Past” by Zach Lieberman with friends (remaking old generative artworks) and gave workshops. She also tried twitch. Tried also with two women online coding together, failing, laughing, experimenting.

== announcements ==

== break ==

Nori (5)

Comes from Japan and has been in Berlin for 3.5 years. Happy to be back at the Stammtisch. He’s a data scientist. Workshop. Used Franz Kafka’s texts and GPT-3 (machine learning learning model). GPT-2 is smaller than 3 and can be ran in your own computer. Took an already trained German model and added all Kafka’s writings to finetune it. He fed some prompts and let the system writes paragraphs completing them.


Last time showed his solar powered 7-segment display. Now he’s back with a 128x64 LCD display, 32KB RAM and much faster CPU than last time. He created two programs for it:

They use a tilt sensor.

The display:

The project:

The source, schematic, PCB and other design files:

He wrote the programs first in p5.js, then ported them to C++.

p5.js sketch / Sand:

p5.js sketch / Cube:

There are still several PCBs left, if you want to build it, ping Gabor via Twitter (@twilliability)

Alexei (5)

A morse transmitter with light and sound. Uses a phone placed in a 3D printed container sending the message “NO WAR”. Morse: the dot signal is 3 times shorter than the dash signal.

Aapo (Abe)

Live coding the poster of the day in 10 minutes.