October 1st, Stammtisch #090
Random noise shader in Processing. Creates 3D pointilistic variations over 2D image (public domain apple image)
Shows ribbons implementing mathematical functions and the progression of it - ribbonator project in progress. Video game music composer and sound designer, currently in Berlin. Fun with Processing. https://twitter.com/CawawaC https://www.instagram.com/sacha_holsnyder/
“Ideal Knots” book: https://books.google.de/books?id=v0NqDQAAQBAJ\&printsec=frontcover\&source=gbs_ge_summary_r\&cad=0#v=onepage\&q\&f=false
Knot codes: http://paulbourke.net/geometry/knots/
Raph: processing GUI -> https://github.com/sojamo/controlp5
Started shaders in March. Presents various shaders explorations.
Subdivision mondrian-style in 3D using shader with ray marching, subdivisions get animated
Shader Inspritation:
I learned from these:
(evvvvil_) VODs
Shader Livecoding Archives, there are video links for many of them
== Break ==
Maira @maysala_f looks for someone Berlin based for a project with NLP
-> Gabor is interested :) I’m @twilliability or gabor.reads.this at gmail
Kathryn - plugging IRL update to ascii-tarot ٩(◕‿◕)۶ https://kathrynisabelle.com/ \&\& https://www.npmjs.com/package/ascii-tarot :・゚✧:・゚✧
Kazik is looking for helping hands at the studio, including for IoT project
Denisovich “Rishi”
I am a student of Computer Science and Statistics.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DenisovichPy
Link-plant: https://ivan-denisovich-py.github.io/link-tree/
Rishi’s screenshare wasn’t working and it was funny. Then it worked, and it wasted a bit of time because of all the drama. Bad Rishi.
Full css matrix rain: https://codepen.io/ivan-denisovich-py/pen/LYLdQgj
Reference: https://twitter.com/amit_sheen
Matthias \& Selin
Projection of objects in 4 dimensions. Also 3d printed. Models are modeled in Unity.
Antoine “Shynif” Finish -> Processing and P5.js adict
I study math and computer science in highschool. I live close enough to hug you <3
Website https://m.page/Shynif and tweety tweets at https://twitter.com/DevShynif >:)
Wanted to reproduce the Aloha shirt of a friend using APDE on his phone. But took a full week to make and ended up rushing it during the meetup -> https://openprocessing.org/sketch/1290650