Creative Code Stammtisch

A monthly open conversation between artists, makers, designers, coders, performers, learners and anyone interested in the use of computing skills for artistic expression.

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February 7th, Stammtisch #70

Ricardo Matias
Shows his JavaScript library dealing with music theory called Playa (as in “Player”). It’s like semi-live-coding environment that produces midi notes in the browser and sends them to whatever program you want. He demos it with Ableton Live.

You can find him at:

Outer-Act. Street art and stencil art using projections. Uses a projector, Raspberry Pi and a battery to use it outdoors. It runs for about 2 hours (like a feature film). He observed how people are very focused on their devices not paying attention to what happens around. Electronics attract attention more than homeless people, and he wanted to do something about it.

He developed a box that can be attached to a column in the street. He places the electronics in that box to project ond the opposing wall. It resulted in people interacting with it, by taking photos and even dancing with it.

Contact him to exhibit your works in his system. It should work on a raspberry pi.

He’s been using compute shaders, shows particles and physarum simulation. Using Vulkan. Sticking to compute shaders Vulkan is not that hard (he says). (1 minute of code poetry in vim here…).
He shows a music video clip he made using this system, synchronized with electronic music.
The video will be shared online when he has a better version ready.
He tried colorizing it but didn’t figure out a satisfying approach.

— break —


Just finished his interaction design studies. There he had a course on music videos. He made a video in Touch Designer, then cut it in cutting software. He used height maps using satellite images from google maps, mixed with noise, blended with beat detection. The image pixel colors is interpreted as elevation for meshes, converting 2D into 3D.

For his graduation project he created a computer from scratch. In part a physical installation, part software. He first built the case, then he puts software into it to simulate and make visible the computing that happens in a cpu. You see the software aspect as a VR experience, you can touch and interact with the frame with your hands. The first phase was 3.5 years ago, now he’s working on a new iteration on it. The original is heavy and large, 2.5 meters high.
Now he’s making it modular, so it can travel. He also rewrote all the code. In this new version he can change the computing speed, to make computing patterns visible. He is now making it for tablets and AR instead of VR.

Art collective with 10 members using game engines for art. They had their latest game playable in December shown at Panke. To be released in the next month. The game is made out of many executables that launch each other.
They’re not commertial. The group came with ideas about Utopia.
They also organize events. Earlier at Spektrum (RIP). Now at SomoS
They have an e-mail list in their page.
The game will be PWYW = FREE
Go to the Scope session next Thursday to hear more about their game and collective. Feb. 13th.