Creative Code Stammtisch

A monthly open conversation between artists, makers, designers, coders, performers, learners and anyone interested in the use of computing skills for artistic expression.

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Old list of events

January 3rd, Stammtisch #69

Worked with performers. Created a web based tool that uses a web cam to track dancer amount-of-movement. The system synthesizes sound. Everything written in JavaScript with p5.js.
Asks about how to share an application (ship it) to the performers. Stef suggests using Electron:

Has been working in Dream World
Shows, a dancer testing Kazik’s interactive visuals.
Mentions that people dancing in clubs don’t enjoy the slow visuals, so he’s created a new one that reacts faster and has more variety.


Stef, Minna, Ernesto
Presenting “Consimity”, her final project HZT / UDK. She had a “cold” relationship to tech. She explored how tech changes the perception of the self, how it influences us. She collaborated with Stef (tech) and Ernesto (sound).

They show videos of the 3-part performance in which Minna has two “alternative digital personalities” which she interacts with. Who tells who what to do?

Interdisciplinary event in summer in Germany. No program no plan. In German. LUV.20.

Olivier organizes an English “version”.
Lab of Im_possibilities (LIMP).
3rd to 8th of August 2020, Dangio, Switzerland. In an old chocolate factory.
8hr train ride. No cost of stay if coming from Berlin.

He created a live sound performance using Max/MSP including recordings of women telling their heart-breaking stories about traveling on roads in South America. Ernesto performs the 7 minute piece. It’s generative, and every time it is performed it changes.